Aristocracy: a government in which power is vested in a minority; governing body or upper class usually made up of an hereditary nobility

Assembly: a legislative body; the gathering of a political or social group

Bourgeoisie: the middle class in a society

Class: a group sharing the same economic or social status; social rank

Courtiers: those in attendance at a royal court, often to entertain or bring concerns to a monarchy

Despotism: a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power

Hierarchy: the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or
professional standing

incorruptible: not subject to decay or dissolution; incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted.

Ominous: having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster

Reason: the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways

Sans-coulettes: an extreme radical republican in France at the time of the Revolution

"If you have got a new point of view about the World, you’ll have to find new ways of showing it”

Mark Rothko


Pilar Sánchez  has a double Degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (2010), a Degree in History (2002), both by Salamanca University. She also has Advanced Studies in Philosophy.


She has been working as a teacher and researcher in  the Salamanca University, Art and Aesthetics Department, as an Art critic, a team member in specialised publications, teacher of Spanish as a foreign language in other countries (Ireland), Secondary teacher of Social Studies and Spanish Language and Literature in Madrid and Head of Department in SEK Les Alpes International School.


Her main goals when teaching are setting up the latest educational methodologies based on cooperative and blended learning, relying on emotional intelligence as one of the best means to enhance teacher and teenage students’ relationship.